A special birthday

My eldest had a birthday and turned 9! 9 is a special number because research has shown that around that age, they can learn anything that you as an adult can. He loves to learn and loves to be read to or listen to audio books- his attention span can be quite focused! Sure love that boy, he has gone through so many moves and changes in our family and also, being the oldest, gone through everything first as the tester. His heart is strong and kind, his love is deep!

Papa has been working hard! learning passe compose, futur proche and different tenses, also 300-500 of vocab per week if not more. some days are harder than others but if there is one thing he has taught me is the meaning of endurance and perseverance. Where I would give up or stress out, he would take a deep breathe, continue on, wake up and try again.  (Just to clarify, there is a time and place to give up and start again or do something else as well). But overall he is loving the learning and regular schedule and the whole camaraderie.

We found a good church fit finally and it really made me emotional because I wasn't sure there was going to be one. There is such treasure in a welcoming place of worship, learning, and love of children. Teaching of grace for the day and all that involves. Also Paul Young the author of the Shack is coming to speak in December!


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